Words of pride!

As a result of the tireless efforts of our Arkadagly
Serdar, much attention is paid to education and science in our country. I also
dreamed of becoming a doctor since childhood. This dream came true in the year
of “Pähim- paýhas ummany, Magtymguly Pyragy”, that is, I was lucky enough to
become a student of the Mary Secondary Medical School named after S.A. Niyazov.
May our Arkadagly Serdar be healthy, may his life be long, and may his great mood
always be filled with well-being!



Mary welaýaty, Mary şäheri, Parahatlyk köçesi, 6.
Mary velayat, city of Mary, Parahatlyk street, 6.
Марыйский велаят, город Мары, ул.Парахатлык, 6.

Telefon belgiler:
+993 522 5-42-58