
A short information about the school library.

Our library is a structural subdivision of the medical school. Its main duty is to fulfill the tasks assigned to the educational institution. This task is the comprehensive development of students as a person, his abilities, inclinations, professional skills and to educate students in devotion to the Motherland and the President of Turkmenistan.  
Our library performs several interrelated functions: Educational in relation to students, informational and methodological in relation to teachers. The book fund of the library is currently 34507 copies.
The library book fund replenished through the Ministry of Public Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.
The main fund of the library is medical publications and textbooks on subjects more than 22 thousand (22100), fiction literature about 10 thousand (9756) and electronic publications 5477.
In the library, a special place is occupied by books truly invaluable and by the esteemed  Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Encyclopedic works “Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan” are for teachers and students handbook as methodical manual.



Mary welaýaty, Mary şäheri, Parahatlyk köçesi, 6.
Mary velayat, city of Mary, Parahatlyk street, 6.
Марыйский велаят, город Мары, ул.Парахатлык, 6.

Telefon belgiler:
+993 522 5-42-58