School's educational base

Subject (cycle) commissions
The composition of the teachers’ incude the sets into subject (cycle) commissions:
  1. General mathematical and natural science disciplines;
  2. General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;
  3. Foreign languages;
  4. General professional disciplines;
  5. Clinical disciplines.
The activity of the subject (cycle) commissions is managed by the chairmen of the commissions, who coordinates the effective functioning of all aspects of the teachers' job responsibilities.

The curriculum of mid-level training programs is approved by the School Director, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. The curriculum defines the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the training program for middle-level specialists in the specialty of secondary vocational education: the volume parameters of the training load as a whole, by years of study and by semesters; the list of academic disciplines, professional modules and their constituent elements (interdisciplinary courses, training and industrial practices); the sequence of study of academic disciplines and professional modules; types of training sessions; distribution of various forms of intermediate certification by years of study and by semesters; volume indicators of preparation and conduct of the state final certification.

Scientific research activities
The Medical school has a “School of Young Scientists”. The basis scientific research is carried out in the multivolume encyclopedia “Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan” of our esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
The best scientific research works take part in the State competitions, scientific and practical conferences of the country’s higher educational institutions of the country and International conferences.

Organization of the educational process
The educational process is based on the requirements and provisions of the SPO for the specialties implemented the curricula and work programs of the disciplines developed in accordance with them.
For each academic year, a calendar training schedule is drawn up for all educational activities of the according to the curricula for specialties and forms of training. In accordance with this schedule and the prospective schedule of training sessions approved by the director before the beginning of the school year.   
The educational activities of students include training sessions (lecture, practical lesson, laboratory lesson, and consultation), independent extracurricular work, performing work on educational and research work, nursing medical history, industrial practice, as well as other types of educational activities defined by the curriculum.

Practical training
In the context of a dynamically developing labor market, one of the priority areas in the school's activities is interaction with modern medical organizations of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.
Improving the quality of training of medical personnel is carried out through the active assistance of customers-medical organizations of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.  
The schedule of educational, industrial (professional) and pre-graduate practice was drawn up in accordance with the schedule of the educational process.
The students of Ashgabat medical school named after Indira Gandhi improve their practical skills and theory knowledge in the classes equipped with modern technologies that meet world standards.



Mary welaýaty, Mary şäheri, Parahatlyk köçesi, 6.
Mary velayat, city of Mary, Parahatlyk street, 6.
Марыйский велаят, город Мары, ул.Парахатлык, 6.

Telefon belgiler:
+993 522 5-42-58